Careers & Employability
The CEIAG /Employability Department supports and contributes strongly to the overall aims of the school.
Self Awareness and development
Students will:
Identify an awareness of their skills, qualities, interests, values, aptitudes and achievements, based on their experiences, potential and future career aspirations.
Recognise and explore their changing attitudes to, and interest in, the world of work, training and education.
Mrs R Crawford, BSc (Hons.), P.G.C.E, / Head of Department
Mrs E.A.MacCombe, MA.Ed, B.Ed, Subject Teacher
Career Exploration
Students will:
Identify, investigate and explore the extent and diversity of local, national and international opportunities available in education, training and work.
Use their work-related learning experiences to extend their understanding of the world of work and recognise the skills, qualities and competences needed for the workplace
Understand the changing demands of working life and responsibilities within the working environment
Obtain, evaluate and use effectively, careers information gathered from a wide range of sources, which is relevant to their personal career preferences, aspirations and achievement.
Career Management
Students will:
Review progress against identified targets and record achievements.
Develop career plans which take account of self-awareness, development, achievement and experience and knowledge of career exploration opportunities.
Develop decision making strategies in order to make and implement career choices, which are informed and well thought through.
Successfully engage with transition and change.
Develop their self-presentation skills.
Key Stage 3
At Key Stage 3 Employability is taught as part of Learning for Life and Work, alongside Citizenship and Personal Development. Careers is a key element of this work and as well as being included in Employability, Careers is also taught across the curriculum, with each subject area informing pupils about jobs relating to their subject and teaching skills which prepare them for the world of work.
Key Stage 4
In Year 12 all pupils have a timetabled lesson of Careers and receive a programme of Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG). This includes the preparation of CV’s, Application Forms, Interview Skills, Careers Guidance Interviews, assistance with job/course research and support with interviews and applications for jobs, apprenticeships and courses.
Key Stage 5
In Years 13 & 14 all pupils have a timetabled lesson of Careers and receive a programme of CEIAG. This programme prepares them for moving on to the next stage of Post 18 study or employment and covers areas such as research into courses, employment and Higher Level Apprenticeships, support through University UCAS applications, writing of personal statements, preparation of CV’s and for interviews and applying for Student Finance.
Careers Diary of Events
To further enhance the delivery of CEIAG, Omagh High School runs a busy programme of visits and events and works closely with a range of outside agencies, employers and universities and colleges. This programme of events also includes a range of activities to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) Careers and these are organised, not only by the Careers department, but also by STEM based subjects. The Head of Department is an active member of the Omagh Learning Community (OLC), which is made up of all the Heads of Careers in the Omagh area. The group meet regularly and a number of events are organised for pupils across the OLC.
The combination of all these events allow pupils to see the relevance and value of their studies in the world of work and to put their learning into context.
Examples of typical activities include:
University and College visits (e.g. Queen’s University, University of Ulster, South West College and CAFRE)
Hosting University Roadshow
Welcoming visitors from colleges and universities such as; Queen’s University, University of Ulster, South West College, CAFRE, Liverpool John Moores etc.
Enterprise & Employability Week
Careers talks by local employers such as; Terex, Telestack, Financial Times, Foyle Group Creative Media etc.
Team-building workshops
Armed Forces Careers Talks
Year 10 Fun Day – developing skills such as; problem-solving, communication, team work and promoting inter-house competition
Young Enterprise programmes for Years 8-11
Year 12 Interview Skills Day
Careers Guidance Interviews
Post 18 options evening
Post 16 Options evening
Year 10 GCSE Options evening
“That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.”
(Abraham Lincoln)