Careers Education
“The quality of the provision for careers education and guidance is outstanding. The school has established a wide range of effective links with business and community partners as well as with further and higher education providers.”
ETI Omagh High School Inspection Report Feb 2013
Careers Education, Advice, Information and Guidance (CEAIG) at Omagh High School takes many forms and provision is made throughout the school from Year 8 to Year 14.
We support the decision-making process at the key transition years; in Year 10 (when selecting Key Stage 4 subjects); in Year 12 (when exploring Post 16 options) and then in Year 14 (when looking at progression routes, including UCAS applications to University). We aim to equip our students with the ability to make reasoned and informed decisions and to prepare them for the World of Work.
Throughout their school career students are encouraged to evaluate and develop their skills and qualities and to explore their talents, with a busy calendar of events on offer throughout the year. We aim to offer a wide variety of visitors, presentations, workshops, competitions and visits to inspire and motivate our students to achieve and succeed.
A selection of typical activities is given below:
University and College Open Day Visits
Interview Skills Workshop
STEM Workshops
Allied Health Professions Event
‘Tasty Careers’ Careers in the Food and Drink Industry presentation
Visit to CAFRE, Loughry Campus (STEM)
Tri-Service Armed Forces Teambuilding and Communication workshop
UCAS preparation
Student Finance
Young Enterprise; Study Skills, Business workshops, Financial Capabilities
Enterprise and Employability Week / Events
Work Experience
Bring IT On – IT Sector Skills Presentation
Speakers from career areas such as; creative media, law, armed forces, agri-food
Links to Useful Documents
Careers Service
Get Career Ideas Quiz: https://careerideas.cascaid.co.uk/LoginPage.aspx
A to Z of Careers: https://careeraz.cascaid.co.uk/#/menu
Parent Guide to support subject choices: https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/news/advice-parents-children-making-subject-choices
Student Finance: https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/information-and-services/higher-education/student-finance
Work Experience Opportunities: https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/services/search-school-work-experience-opportunities
Labour Market Information
NI Skills Barometer: https://www.economy-ni.gov.uk/sites/default/files/publications/economy/Skills-in-Demand-Infographic.pdf
STEM Careers Booklet: http://www.sentinus.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/stem-careers-booklet.pdf
STEM Careers Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bnMBhO0LnU
Useful Links to Careers Service Videos
How the Careers Service can help you: https://youtu.be/mOPirwrw7zI
Careers Service – GCSE Subject Choices Advice: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_ssJV_XfjQ
Parents Guide – Careers Service Northern Ireland: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQFSiz6oeSg
All Department for the Economy
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6zDOI3FEqOQkc8T2vp4xbA/videos
All Department for the Economy Video
Playlists: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6zDOI3FEqOQkc8T2vp4xbA/playlists