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AS & A2 Summer 2022 Results

Outstanding results at Omagh High School

Omagh High School AS and A Level students have to be congratulated on their excellent results.

Both pupils and staff are delighted with the results and Principal Mr Gaitatzis is extremely proud of all the students who achieved their grades and got placed in their choice of University, further education courses or into employment.

In Year 14 an outstanding 85% of our students achieved two or more A* - C grades which is attributed to the effort and commitment of our hard working students, the expertise and dedication of the staff and the support of the parents and families. We are delighted that the school can display 100% pass rate for all our pupils at A2 level this year. A confirmation of the high academic standards at Omagh High School.

In congratulating all students on their achievements Mr Gaitatzis made special mention to the challenging academic year.

“The students had to adapt to a new normal and change their working routines over a period of three years. This was the first examination series since 2019 and a lot has changed in their studying patterns, having the conventional learning process disrupted the previous two years. Therefore, the results are a credit to all the students who managed to overcome the very challenging circumstances of this academic year.”

“I need to highlight the efforts of our teachers and parents alike for their part in the achievements of our students who have succeeded in extremely difficult circumstances. Omagh High School students have shown great resilience and worked exceptionally hard to achieve their best. The results that they received reflect their dedication to their studies and should allow them to progress to further study, training or employment.”

Omagh High School has an inherent ethos in nurturing all pupils and celebrating their individual talents and abilities, given the ever-changing educational and employment environment that these young adults will enter in the future. “I am confident that our pupils have been well prepared for the future paths they choose, either at academia or employment. They are always going to have the necessary skills to resolve any challenges ahead.”

The Staff and Board of Governors wish all their pupils every happiness and success in the future.

C Gaitatzis


Some notable successes

Jessica Cuthbertson: 2 As (Business, Science), Distinction (Sport)

Rebecca Galbraith: 2 As (Business, Science), C (IT)

Evan Buchanan: A (Mathematics), B (Design & Technology), Distinction* (Engineering)

Kirsty Clarke: A (Geography), Distinction ( Child Care), B (English Literature)

Claire Spratt: A*(Science), 1 Distinction (Child Care), B (Geography)

Bethany Managh: A (IT), 2 Bs (Business, Geography)

Ross McIvor: Distinction (Construction), 2 Bs (Design &Technology, IT)

Jamie Harpur: A (IT), 2 Bs (Technology & Geography)

Zoe Anderson: Distinction (Health & Social Care), B (Science)

Nicole Lakoma: Distinction (Health & Social Care), B (Science)

Daniel Weir: Distinction (Sport), 2 Cs (History, Business)

Charlotte Rennie: B (English Literature), 2 Cs(History, Politics)

Sarah Clarke: Distinction* (Agriculture), B(Geography), C (English Lit.)

Chesney Grimes: 2 Bs (Politics, IT), 2Cs (English Literature, History)

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