Sixth Form
Omagh High School 6th Form - An Outstanding Choice
The Sixth Form at Omagh High School is an integral part of an outstanding school that gives to all the students enjoyable and rewarding experiences.
Our senior students play a significant role in the school. They are true ambassadors of the school in and outside the building. Every student in our Sixth Form is a genuine leader within their "House". The House system runs through all years in school up into the Sixth Form and offers many leadership opportunities at post -16. There are three house groups with upper and lower students led by an experienced house teacher with deep understanding of the needs of the students at this level.
All Sixth Form students will be required to contribute to the life of the school through duties, representing the school at a variety of events including Open Evening, Prize Giving etc. and through being core representatives for the school in the wider community.
In year 13 there are opportunities to apply to become a House Captain or Sports Captain with the responsibility for the pupils in your House throughout the school.
In year 14 a number of students are selected to become prefects and senior prefects through a rigorous interview process.
The Sixth Form offers opportunities to students to become:
Library Prefects
Media Prefects
Charity Prefects
House Mentors
All of these roles provide significant opportunities for personal and careers development and assist the smooth running of the school.
Sixth Form students have their own centre that has recently been refurbished and it includes a common room, study room and private locker area.
An extensive range of Enrichment Activities is available. These additional activities are important in developing students' interests, experiences and subsequently providing an interesting Curriculum Vitae which is critical for the next stage of education or work.
A Message from the Principal
Omagh High School is an excellent choice for your post 16 studies.
You are at a critical stage in your education and the decisions you make in the next few months will have a very significant bearing on your future.
If you have decided to continue into post -16 then Omagh High School is an exciting and dynamic school community with a strong focus on academic success. Additionally, you will be joining a school and Sixth Form where you will be cared for, encouraged, challenged and gradually prepared for higher education or the world of work. Omagh High School is a close knit community with a family atmosphere and a strong, caring ethos.
Our staff takes pride in students and their successes and I have no doubt you will fit in easily and soon feel at home.
Omagh High School is an 'Outstanding' school, the first controlled school in Northern Ireland to be awarded his accolade. The school underwent a Sustaining Improvement Inspection (SII) and our 'Outstanding' status was confirmed by ETI once again in May 2019.
Omagh High School is working in partnership with Omagh Academy and South West College. I am sure you will find a subject combination to suit you as we are eager to accommodate the academic needs of all our students. We also have a comprehensive Enrichment Programme, including opportunities to undertake work placements and voluntary work which enhances our students' experiences, their C.V. and their possibility of being accepted by the top Universities.
Omagh High School encourages hard working and dedicated students to become the next leaders of our learning community. In return, we will offer a comprehensive support programme that will allow every student to thrive and reach their full potential.
Omagh High School should be your school of choice at post -16.
Kind regards,
Mr C Gaitatzis