Supporting Learning
“The quality of the provision for pupils with special educational needs is outstanding. As the pupils progress through the school, their very wide range of additional needs is met within an ethos of high expectation and caring guidance and support.”
(ETI Omagh High School Inspection Report, February 2013)
In Omagh High School we have an inclusive philosophy whereby all pupils with their rich diversity of abilities, talents, skills and personalities are valued and respected. Omagh High School caters for a broad spectrum of special needs in the physical, emotional, behavioural and learning spheres. The learning support team comprises twelve very experienced classroom assistants, a Literacy Support Teacher and a Numeracy Support Teacher alongside the SENCo and Assistant SENCo. However, all subject teachers actively address the additional needs of the pupils in their care.
There are many reasons why a pupil may require learning support at some stage throughout their school career whether for a short period of time or for the entire duration of their education in Omagh High School. The nature and duration of the support required will be determined by the specific needs of the individual pupil and any subsequent provision will be reviewed on a regular basis.
Given the inclusive nature of our school, this support may be provided in numerous ways.
All learning support is most beneficial when the school, home and any external agencies involved work together to formulate the plan of action for the young person.
For those who may feel that their child would benefit from some learning support this may provide a starting point for an initial interview or education planning meeting with the acting SENCo Mrs McLoughlin. For others, it may simply be of interest to realize the sophisticated planning network behind the educational provision for all the children in our care.
A more detailed list of support strategies is available in the school prospectus.