Technology & Design
Mr P Naylor – B.Eng (Hons), P.G.C.E
Miss R Busby – BEd (Hons)
Technology and Design provides pupils with the understanding to function effectively in the rapidly changing technological world. It provides pupils with the opportunity to become more aware of how and why things are made and how they work.
Specific aims of Technology and Design:
To stimulate pupil’s curiosity, imagination and creativity through design based activity.
To develop the pupil’s ability to identify needs and opportunities.
To involve pupils in purposeful design activities resulting in the development of products.
To promote within the pupil the ability to communicate information using a variety of media including ICT.
To equip pupils with the necessary Technology and Design skills which will allow them to cope and respond to an ever changing technological society.
To develop an awareness of the importance to produce products of a very high quality and standard.
To encourage students to maintain a safe and organized working environment and safe practices when using tools and machinery.
To develop an appreciation of the importance of Technology and Design in society, both past and present and to relate these to the effects on the economy.
To develop the ability to critically appraise products in a constructive manner.
To provide opportunities for students to experience a sense of satisfaction and enjoyment from engaging in purposeful activities which lead to the production of completed projects.
Facilities and Resources
The technology environment in Omagh High School is operational with tools, machines and equipment necessary for the teaching of the subject to all post primary levels.
The department occupies a purpose built, stand-alone building comprising of a manufacturing room (with a Boxford CNC router), a systems room (equipped with 14 PC’s), planning room, office, associated storage. A second manufacturing room (aimed at KS3 classes) in another block in the school also has associated storage.
The system room and planning room both have interactive whiteboards to aid the delivery of the subject.
GCSE Technology and Design & Motor Vehicle & Road User Studies
Please watch the video to find out what GCSE Technology & Design and Motor Vehicles & Road User Studies entails.
AS/A2 Design and Technology
Please watch the video to find out what GCE Design & Technology entails.